Recently this video was shared in my LinkedIn feed and I listened several times. I found it to be inspiring not just for creatives, but for all of us who feel stuck.
Watch the video here:
Because creatives have good taste and an eye for design, because corporate 9-to-5'ers know the potential within themselves, because new grads know they want to do something big but they just can't express it.
Enter the creative gap.
When you're feeling like a phony, like a failure, or like you'll never live up to what you know you can do, you're probably in a creative gap. A creative gap is that space where you're stumbling and falling and feeling like you're not very good is your creative gap. We have a vision for ourselves, for our profession, for our talent and we set out to feel good about what we do. But, we fail. We fall. We question ourselves. We tell ourselves other people are more talented.
We disappoint ourselves. We get frustrated with ourselves. And we quit.
The creative gap doesn't mean to suffer and endlessly endure, it simply means that failure comes along the way. We have to remind ourselves, in each new path we take on that failure will happen. We will make mistakes, we'll feel disconnection between our potential and our work product.
Surround yourself with trusted advisors, a good mentor, and a coach that can give you objective advice when you need it most. Get out of your own head and listen to others reflect your greatness back to you, and take the critiques from a failure and move on.
Careers are nothing more than trial and error. You take two steps forward, get set back a step, take three steps forward. Prioritize and remember where you're going... a place in your career where you align your taste, talents, skills, and ambition.
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